Friday, August 31, 2007

Ministry Update

I survived STCM 2007! It was filled with activities but we at MBTS survived through another STCM, all by God’s grace. The hiccups were lessons for improvement next year. Praise God for it all…

I enjoyed the 3 consecutive mission trips, one a month for 3 consecutive months. They were great. Culminating at the end was the trip to Indonesia, at a place were we were restricted to use any Christian jargon. That was a challenge…for many of us to experience a C4, C5, or even C6 context. What it taught me was to re-define “work.” My team members and the host team were great. They were such fantastic people who love God so much, it overflow through their lifestyles.

I have completed my thesis. Praise the Lord for His grace. However, the final assignment on youth missions is still in progress. It’s hard to get back to work so soon after a major “accomplishment” of the thesis. But I just have to discipline myself…and should not let the momentum slow down!

Today is Malaysia’s 50th Independence Day. I’m truly glad for the freedom of worship and opportunities we have to develop many sectors of society. Yea, there are hiccups here & there, but where can we find a perfect government here on earth? I’m proud of Malaysia & I’m proud to be Malaysian. Last night, I attended a special Merdeka Day Service held in a church across the bridge. It was a new experience. It actually was a prayer & cultural service leading to the countdown to merdeka. There were praises, worship, prayers, and performances from various Peninsular and East Malaysian ethnic groups. I look forward to similar future services. It exhibited the true spirit of Malaysia and proves the patriotism of the Malaysian church. What touched me significantly was the singing of the national anthem at midnight. When I was in Indonesia, I witnessed how their national anthem was sung in such a patriotic manner in a home group. It touched me so deeply and made me so embarrassed because for the almost 20 years of my being a Christian, I cannot remember a single moment where we sing our national anthem in church or in a home group. So, it was especially significant when I joined in singing Negara-ku in church, right on the golden anniversary of my country’s independence. I pray that the church will jointly pray for the true independence of the spiritual sense for all individual Malaysians.

Please remember me in prayer. The new and final term of the year in MBTS will begin the week after next. There are preparations to be done leading to the Convocation service in early November. And as usual, December will be pretty relaxing before we meet the challenge of another new academic year. Pray for the graduating students (me included) and also prospective students.

PHP 1:3 I thank my God every time I remember you.


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