I really don't know if it is a good or bad thing that I tend to take ministry matters rather personally. After all, I rationalize that this is my Father's business. So, how can I not be upset when I notice how "unchristian" approaches are adopted into ministry? Is it right or wrong that I should be grieved at how worldliness has crept into the Christian community?
Since becoming a Christian, pastors/teachers taught me that the road to spiritual maturity is when we surrender more of self so that more of Christ will reign in our lives. When I was a pastor, I taught the church that life as a Christian require us to surrender our selfish rights and to allow God the full reign in us. As a preacher, I preach from the pulpit that we need to hunger for more of God in us. As a teacher, I teach students that Christ must be central to everything we do, hoping that my student pastors will teach the same thing to members of their church. I remember that shortly before I graduated with ThM, someone asked me what my plans are. I was asked what I have planned to see myself doing in 5 years time, in 10 years time. I insisted then that I will let the Lord lead me, I want to be in His will and to allow Him to have the final say in what I should do. Yet, the other person kept insisting to me that I must know/plan what I want to do in 5 years time, in 10 years time. As if it is not enough, a few weeks back another "senior Christian minister" asked me the same thing. "What do you see yourself doing in 5 years time, in 10 years time?" As if each of us must plan our lives, our ways. Isn't that the way of the world? I left that sort of lifestyle to be a Christian, then a Christian minister. I have surrendered my life to God and journeying towards a complete surrender so that God will fully reign in me & through me to accomplish His divine purpose on earth. But suddenly, I was told that I must be central to what I want to do. What happened? Isn't God the One who should be central? I suppose if I stop resisting and conform, life will definitely be easier. But my conscience tells me that I must not because the day will come when I stand before the Great White Throne, and I stand accountable for my own deeds. So, I may be a radical, a rebel to the "establishment" but I have decided to uphold my Christian principles. God is central & He will be central to everything I am/do.
Last Sunday the preacher in my home church was reminding us that it's pastors who "kill" churches when we preach incomplete truth. I agree to that. But more to that is that Christian leaders "murder" the church by adopting worldly standards to measure spirituality. It results in superficial Christianity that rob us of genuine worship. I pray that God will come to visit us here in Malaysia & to purify the church. Is it right that I pray for judgment to begin from the House of God to remove the "impurities" within the House? It's time to return to the foundation of our faith, something we seem to have forgotten. It's time to re-kindle that passion of first love for our God that seem to have deteriorate. It's time to restore a holy fear of God that seem to have diminish in our walk with God. I pray the church in Malaysia will awake from her spiritual slumber & understand the signs of the time & urgency of the day.
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