A familiar face walked towards me n smiled. Calling my name,
she looked thrilled to meet me. But who was she anyway? Was she from the Methodist Church? The Lutheran Church?
The Baptist Church? Where hv I seen that familiar
face? “Swee Bee, u can’t recognize me? We were in school together” Ooohhh….So,
that’s y she looks familiar! I had to ask myself if I’ve been too “caught up
with church” n failed to consider things outside the church. After all, the
church is only effective outside the church.
This brings me back to another issue I’ve been praying
about. I hv missed the deadline to graduate this year. However, I may likely
complete the necessary before the end of the year. Somehow, the “formality of
convocation” no longer appears attractive. So, I’m praying for my next step.
Where to pursue further training? All the while my intension is to develop
skills in practical research. In my capacity dealing with theological
institutions, I hv discovered there is no authority in research in Malaysian
church context. Two options I hv – pursue the research discipline overseas or
pursue research out of the church context. Plz pray with me. While we hv loads
of theologians n Bible scholars that r capable of arm-chair research, we r
lacking, extreme lacking in practical field research, especially in cultural n
comparative contexts. Yet, if we look around us, Malaysia is the melting pot of
cultures. The church needs to develop in this area. As it is, different ethnic
groups within the church r finding it hard to understand each other!
Later in this month, I’ll be teaching a class on the topic
of Animism in Ipoh
for the SAM Ipoh, diploma module. Following that, a group of us will travel to
Seremban to attend the STM convocation service. We hv 4 certificate graduates n
4 diploma graduates this year. In the meantime, plz pray for SAM as we pursue a
formal partnership with MEC in Miri to offer a master program. This effort is
initiated for 2 reasons. (1) STM is not ready to offer master programs in BM n
our bishop is not abt to wait (for what seems like forever); (2) to reduce
cost/time while enable our peninsular BM ministers pursue further (vertical)
training. Pray with us as we begin planning next year’s course schedule. It’s
going to be a bit tricky as we r attempting (1) combine classes –
certificate/diploma n possibly diploma/master; (2) apply the orality approaches
into all the teaching/learning experience. This will take a longer period to be
fully implemented as I believe both teachers n students will need time
adjusting to this “fairly new” methodology, after being “brain-washed” to use
printed western material.
There may be a likely trip to the villages end of the month.
I’m still waiting confirmation from the team. It’s buah perah season, so, I’ll
hv the opportunity to bring back to the city this unique jungle nut. Most
weekends in November r filled with activities with a SAM Day in the calendar.
This event is planned for SAM Ipoh. In Penang,
class will resume end of Oct with the study of Genesis (Pt 1) by a Korean
missionary couple.
Once again, thank you for your partnership in ministry.
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