Sunday, October 30, 2016

Ministry Update OctNov 2016

It has been an interesting month. As of now SAM is at the brink of closing its academic year for 2016. For the first time the module of Theology of Persecution and Discipleship (TOPAD) was conducted in BM with SAM students providing the “trial subjects.” It was unfortunate that a miscommunication resulted in just four students attending this very relevant course. We are now preparing course schedule for 2017. Before long year end reports need to be attended to.

The SAM team was in KK to meet with the leadership team of a local seminary there to initiate a partnership. It was an interesting trip. We were there about three years ago to initiate a similar partnership but it did not progress as expected. In January this year, a chance meeting with one of its staff “resurrected” the interest to pursue this partnership. Meetings were proposed but none materialized until Oct (26). This seminary was skeptical in our proposed partnership to offer a master degree through modular approach as their program is a full-time program. However, along the time both parties negotiated a suitable time to meet, other needs arose that the said seminary adopted the modular approach. It was truly divine timing. The principal even anticipated a lengthy meeting and allocated a whole two hours to discuss the necessary. On my end I was a bit “worried” as I do not know what I need to prepare for the meeting as it looked like as if I only need to be present. Within the first 30 minutes, the “deal was sealed.” What can I say? God prepared every heart involved in this matter!

It was also interesting to meet up with other partners in ministry and former students. In this meeting another partnership possibility was discussed. With God willing, SAM may establish another “branch” center in KK. A meet-up with a former second collegian brought further joy into the trip. It further opened another possibility of partnership. This is to partner a local church in their swiflet bird nest business. SAM considers this involvement/investment as it will provide an income-generating resource to finance our expenses without the need to constantly look for sponsors. Do pray with n for us that we will move in God’s wisdom.

Next month, the final certificate module in Ipoh will take place and I am scheduled to teach on the Gospels. The Theology 1 class in SP will also close in Nov. Then the reports will need to be generated. Christmas programs will begin to unfold. BJAC plans an outreach to the Holy Infant Jesus Home in Balik Pulau, a simple fellowship meal on the eve of Christmas after our service, n a thanksgiving service on NY eve. We are also being “ambitious” to plan for an all-night prayer meeting next year! Well, nothing is impossible because we serve a God who makes possible everything impossible!

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