Monday, April 27, 2020

Ministry Update AprMay 2020

Into the unknown…entering into the fourth phase of MCO: Some morning I wake up uncertain which day is it today? Everyday feels like Saturday. What are you up to these days? For me, nothing much different from the usual, except that I can go to bed as late as I want and wake up as late as I want! Other than that, it’s work as usual, actually – virtual classes and grading assignments, preparing for next semester and the “old new” classes (repeated classes with new students). The worst of this MCO has to be my cooking which confirmed an already known fact – I cannot cook! But I m “forced” to tolerate my own MCO recipes (MCO is “mong cha-cha origin: grab whatever is available in my kitchen to come up with something “creative n new” n sometimes I literally “forced” myself to eat my “master piece” dish)

Inter-state activities are all cancelled and this includes all mission trips and classes. There is not much to report as there is hardly any activity but much uncertainty. Many are expecting the MCO to further be extended till 28 May. Even the PM’s latest announcement already gave hint that it may be extended. Year-end graduation events are also uncertain whether they can proceed. The “no big gatherings” advice is till end of the year or till a vaccine is found. I remember a friend telling me at the start of the MCO that “if China, a nation so advance, needs two months to control this, what makes you think Malaysia can do better?” Well, she has a point and rightly we are going into two months, perhaps more, of MCO. In the meantime here in campus and in our individual “caves” we are churning up video conferences, webinar, FB/Youtube broadcast, etc. In the little way that we can, we raised funds to make face shields and bought face masks for the frontliners in Seremban public hospital; many groups hold weekly podcast/service/panel talks on various topics; and there’s a list of public lectures on zoom, etc. In between, I also participated in online free short courses.

I am a Christian in Malaysia. We may have an “illegitimate” government and a cabinet made up of clowns but I believe in my God and the reason why events turned up the way it did. There had been many, n I mean countless opinions on how Malaysia will “fail” both as a nation n in its fight against COVID. And such “reports” are still being circulated n forwarded in WhatsApp chat groups. In such times of crisis as we are in right now, yes, many so-called “analyst” will emerge with their “professional views.” But I know who my God is. The Bible I read each day is not a fairy tale of sorts. It is a record of a mighty God who is my God. He is the same yesterday, today, n forever. Despite the “gloomy” scene of each negative “analysis” I know who I have believed, who I am believing, n who I will always believe. This is not some positive-thinking to make myself “feel good” in the midst of a crisis, but this is a fact for one believing Christian in Malaysia. From the start of this MCO, I have observed n very sad to say that it involved Christians – how some of us “contributed” to the spread of fear n curse to our nation. Hello…there is power in the spoken word. So, my fellow believers, if you are claiming yourself to be a Christian, please be careful of your words. Let it be words that bless n edify. It is in a time of crisis that we can see each person for who he/she really is – whether a person of substance or a person full of air. The same goes with a “friend” – is this person trustworthy or a friendship not worth maintaining? I am upset that a “long-time friend” can actually texted me “to inform” that she is not doing any favour for my mom in Penang. And this is a Christian! Horror of horrors! On the other hand, I’d like us to notice the good from all these, where we are being “reset” into what we ought to be, ie., families together; earth healing herself from pollution; time to pause n “smell the roses;” clear skies n singing birds. I realized, yes, it is costing more to the poor n the “aftermath” of lock-down is tremendous n devastating to many. But hey, this is when Christian stewardship takes over. Christians are called to live a life of sacrifice n this is the time for us to make that sacrifice for those in need. We are in this together, let us go through this together.

I hope you are doing well too. Personally, I am excited at what the Lord has ordained for us. We read so much of this great God and His miracles/great wonders in the Bible. Here, in our contemporary stage, He is unfolding His great might once again, both locally and globally. What privilege that we have this opportunity to personally witness these. Let’s continue to pray for spiritual eyes to be opened, hearts to be willing, and lives surrendered to Him. This is the time, this is the hour. Let’s not miss this moment


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