Monday, October 4, 2021

Ministry Update SeptOct 2021


The final quarter of the year is here too soon. Spilling over from the pandemic of 2020, events along the past three quarters of the year were bitter sweet experiences. Tears of joy and sorrow intercept each other as both happy and sad events unfold to mold us into stronger individuals, preparing us for some great event I am sure God has ordained for us in this generation and in this nation.


SAM Prai is graduating 4 students: 3 with diploma and 1 with certificate. Four online classes were planned but only 3 took place. We were expecting by end of the year physical class will be possible. However, this is not the case. The “old school” lecturer, uncomfortable to teach online, had to cancel the class. The plan for next year is to continue online for this centre.


Elsewhere among the OA community, the pandemic caused many villagers to be quarantined and villages placed under EMCO. Generally, OA villages around the central region of the peninsula are affected. Thus, delaying and cancelling classes planned for them. With limited or no internet access, it is difficult to begin classes. What more with SOPs that limit number of individuals permitted to gather. But I praise God for the church in the city that extended help in various ways. Vaccination is slow in the OA villages – some due to distorted teaching, some due to the geographical location. Let us continue to pray for our OA family.


SAM national council has resumed talks that were paused due to the pandemic. We are planning to consolidate efforts to share resources and manpower. Do pray for us as we plan forward for SAM to be a legal entity.


Thank you for your partnership in ministry




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