I’m feeling miserable…I was invited to preach this morning in a church that has a super early service. It was a strong message wrapped in royal icing. I did the usual preparations – rehearsing its delivery at an average of 10 times before the actual preaching…but I’m miserable. I did not deliver the message as good as I should. I left the church & complaint to myself in the car… “you delivered the message better last night rehearsing it than just now!” Surprisingly, the congregants thought otherwise…I don’t know if I should rejoice over this. But I placed a higher expectation on myself. My God deserves the best…I should always offer the best to Him.
It was a busy week. A whole week of classes – our graduate seminar. Somehow studying in class from 9am till 4pm is more tiring than working at my desk from 9am till 5pm! But I praise God that it was very insightful. Two more courses to go besides the thesis & I’m done for my study program. I’m looking forward to that. Because beyond this, study is more flexible. Next Tuesday I’m standing in for a colleague to teach at her class, then repeating the syllabus for the orientation class of new intake on Saturday. The YA group is meeting for a planning retreat at a beach apartment this weekend…I don’t know how much I can trust them to “truly plan” (honestly). Maybe, I just need to learn to allow others to make their own mistakes…then I won’t need to worry so much.
Then there’s the youth meeting we are planning to launch. Pray for Michael S. & myself to discern God’s direction in this work. I’m glad to have found someone sharing similar passion for youth work. I do admit that the attempt last year was pretty much a failure. But working in partnership with someone with similar passion…now that is more promising.
February is full of festivity…a whole week off for CNY. Yea, I enjoy “work” so much, holidays seem to just get in the way…but I need that break, just like everyone else, we need to take breaks. And God knows how I need to be a “Mary” once in a while & not get carried away at being “Martha.”
March already sees two major activities. One, is the morning prayer meeting with the students in campus. Gosh, it’s at 7am! I’m a night person…not a morning person, help! But it is a privilege to lead a group with the opportunity to spur the passion to pray…a group that may ultimately be a catalyst to a much larger group. Then, there’s my “debut” of teaching the Bible in BM! Gosh, I am looking forward to that…but do pray for me.
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